Frankenstein’s Fabrics 2025 UFO Challenge



This year is all about my two words for 2025 – “new” and “use”.

New is all about experiences and trying new things like cheeses, coffees, restaurants and having adventures, visiting new places.

Use is about using the items I already own before I consider buying anything. Using things up, using the good teacups and the nice perfume, using things until they fall apart, using in an effort to declutter.

So to that end I am setting myself the 2025 UFO Challenge. First I will go through my craft room and collect all my UFOs – UnFinished Objects and write them up on a list and number them 1-10 (I will have more than one list for sure). Each month from February to November on the 1st of the month I will draw a random number from 1-10 and work on that project each month. I will post that number to my socials in an effort to hold myself accountable and to try and make inroads into my craft space and declutter things.

I am not doing January or December because those months are already filled with too much going on that I don’t want to add another thing to that pile.

If you would like to join in please click this link and join the FB group or follow my socials.


MAM – Community Quilt Update 7

Hello all!

Happy New Year and welcome to 2025!

Just a small update for the moment.

These are the blocks that have arrived since the last update.


Thank you to everyone who has sent blocks back, or reached out to let me know where they are at.

We now have blocks equalling a little over 3 full rows of the quilt back now. Before  head back to classes in February I will be starting to assemble the blocks I do have with their sashings.

Everyone who has yet to return blocks can you please make sure you do so as soon as possible. Anyone who needs help or advice please email me on

MAM – Community Quilt Project Update 6


I have an update for the MAM CQP.

Over the last few weeks we’ve had an influx of blocks being returned plus I’m working on the digital submissions so I can print them on fabric.

Here’s what’s arrived:

As you can see we are starting to see the variety of experiences as well as the common feelings and symptoms that overlap between people.

I am wrapping up semester 2 at Tafe and once that’s over and all my customer quilts have been returned for Christmas I’ll be working on this quilt. I’ll be setting up the layout once more blocks arrive as I want the balance of colours to work well and not have clusters of colour or concentrations in any one place.

I’m excited to see what blocks arrive over the next little while.

Please make sure you get them back to me as soon as you can – and if you have any issues please reach out

Those who requested Zoom sessions – please keep an eye on your emails for new times available.

Happy crafting,

Marni x

MAM – Community Quilt Project Update 5


Just an update to say that we are fast approaching the cutoff for signups so if you would like to make a block for this quilt you need to get in ASAP. Sign up here:

Blocks are steadily returning and the current batch are below.

If you have any questions before you sign up please reach out with any questions via email here:

Those who’ve signed up for Zoom sessions will be notified in the coming week about available times now that the post has had time to get the blocks to everyone from the last postal run.

This quilt is really starting to come together and soon I’ll be able to share some of the assembly process.

Stay tuned!

Marni x


MAM – Community Quilt Project Update 4

Hello everyone!

I’m here with another update on the CQP since it’s been awhile since the last update.

We’ve reached a really good point of blocks having been sent out and the blocks are trickling back in as people finish them off, speak to me over Zoom and the snail mail catches up to things.

Below are the photos of the blocks that have come in so far – no names or information on them for privacy.

I would like to reassure you that these blocks are important for our message to Government – to really push the visual impact on how sick we are and what we go through. Many people have voiced a hesitancy in making a block because of their lack of creativity or sewing/art/craft skills. Please don’t be – everyone involved is representing the full range of skill levels – from never having done any craft to experts. Your contribution is very much welcomed, not judged and vitally important to the whole message we are working towards sending. It’s all about the stories we have to share and whatever you feel comfortable putting on the block is part of your story.

I am aware that we are asking people to be vulnerable here. Please be kind to yourselves and don’t overextend yourselves. Only do what you are comfortable and capable of.

If you are feeling nervous about making a block please reach out with any questions please email me here:

If you don’t want to participate but would like to help in some way there are other ways you can help.

1. Donate to the quilt specifically

2. Donate in general to Migraine Australia

3. Share the sign up for quilt blocks with others you know have migraine:

I hope everyone is as well as they can be.

Happy sewing!

M x

MAM CQP – update

Hello all!

Just a quick update for those following along with the Community Quilt Project.

More blocks have come back to me – so far we’ve had some come via post and I’ve had a couple of images for fabric printing come through as well. I’ll start sharing quilt blocks a little later, once a few more have arrived. I won’t be sharing all details of who did what as we have asked for social media consent in the forms and not everyone wants to be acknowledged in this way.

A few more blank blocks have been posted off.

There’s lots of chatter behind the scenes about people’s plans for their blocks, a lot of decision making and sketches happening.

Signs ups are still open and will remain open until block numbers hit what we need.

If you are interested but have any questions before signing up please send me an email.

Happy sewing!

Marni x


MAM – Community Quilt Project Update 2

Good morning!

We’ve had some wet weather around the coast these last few days – it’s my favourite type of weather, perfect to stay inside, warm and cosy and get some sewing done. Unfortunately it is the same kind of weather that does trigger my migraine so sometimes it’s rest time too.

I’m here this morning to update you all on what’s happening with the CQP – blocks have started to return to me and the best way I can describe what is represented is that it gives me goosebumps how powerful these blocks are. The whole quilt is going to be so emotive and visually  impactful. I can’t wait to see it finished.

Signs ups are still open and will remain open until block numbers hit what we need.

If you are interested but have any questions before signing up please send me an email.

Happy sewing!

Marni x



MAM2024 – Community Quilt Project


Today I have the first update for the MAM2024 CQP.

Last weekend I went and collected the donations from Officeworks at West Gosford. The team there generously donated envelopes and stamps to get us started on shipping out the fabric squares along with a donation for printing for the instructions that are in the packs.

I bundled up the first batch of signups and they all went into the post on Wednesday. Mixed locations so envelopes should arrive within 5-10days.

This weekend was the first Zoom session. This session was to work out where people were at with their ideas, what methods they could use and what skill levels everyone is at. Future Zooms will be helping people step-by-step with different techniques and general help sessions.

We had a really good discussion about images we can use and talked about products that were suitable for those ideas. The key was visual impact – we need to explain our lived experience of migraine in relatable ways to those who don’t know what it’s like. Universal experience is the phrase I like to use – something that we all know what it feels like – like an exposed nerve in a tooth for example – to relate to a symptom or pain sensation of migraine.

Unfortunately, many of the images we discussed are violent in nature – things erupting, burning, and hitting us like icepicks. It’s not pleasant but it is what it is.

We also discussed copyrighted images, signing our work and the do’s and don’t for the blocks.

I’ve done a test block of my migraine pain. I’m going to tweak it a bit because I want to move the machine embroidery a bit higher but overall I am happy with how it turned out. I’m keeping my test block for myself – I want to have it on hand when I next see my neurologist and my GP. Like I said visual impact.

I hope you’re having a pain free day out there and can get some sewing done.

Stay tuned for more updates on this quilt process.

Marni x

Migraine Awareness Month – Community Quilt Project

June is Migraine Awareness Month.

As many of you know migraine is a big part of my life. It has been for the past 14 years (and counting). I have spent a lot of time and a lot of money on managing my migraine. Trying to learn all I can about it, why my symptoms are the way they are and how medications can help or hinder as the case may be.

It’s not a fun process and there are more of us than you’d think.

In fact when you start to look at the stats it’s quite a daunting sight. Approximately 5 million Australians live with migraine and there is suspicion that there is far more than that estimate. Stigma, debilitating symptoms, struggling to advocate for yourself and being put through the wringer of medical situations all make you want to hide away from the world. I know I’ve had my low moments, and the frustration of trying to explain to someone who has no idea of what it’s like, and repeating yourself so many times over… It’s too much and not enough all at the same time.

This year I decided to take on a more active role in the migraine community and so I signed up as a volunteer with Migraine Australia and I became part of the Advisory Committee, a group that is made up of the sickest of the sick, the unusual (me) and at least one representative of each type of migraine. Along with that I am organising the Community Quilt Project, my favourite pastime rolled into volunteer work!


This is all kicking off on the 1st of June. I will be sending out a pack to everyone who signs up to make a block for the quilt – the only criteria is that you have migraine – you don’t have to be a member or volunteer. There are instructions in the pack along with your base fabric square. I’ll also be running some Zoom sessions for those who aren’t of the creative mindset, anyone who needs help and those who need step-by-step guidance. Dates for these to be advised. The packs will be sent out in batches as sign ups get to certain amounts to reduce my running back and forth to the post office.

Sign up here —->

We are asking anyone who makes a block to create what their migraine story is for them – imagery and symbolism, literal, abstract or emotive. We want to see what you feel, your perspective and once you’ve made your block – following the instructions in the pack, they’ll get sent back to me to assemble into a large quilt. Once it’s all done we will be organising a handover ceremony to present it to Canberra in an effort to draw attention to the needs of the migraine community.

Our theme is “Stronger Together” which is the most perfect tie in to quilting and the idea of a quilt being made up of smaller individual pieces. Quilting and sewing has saved my mental health many times over the years and I do not know where I’d be without it. Our hobbies are so valuable as an outlet but also as a distraction. I know when I’m in a bad way, pain and burning taking over my brain, that a monotonous task that I can do for a quilt project is the best at keeping my hands busy and my mind occupied when I just can’t be in bed any longer.

I will be documenting the process here on my blog along with all the MA socials so make sure you stay tuned to see what we get up to.

I’d loved to have you join us if you live with migraine, but if you don’t and you know someone else who does please share this initiative with them. Who knows you might just give them the gift of a new hobby and some new friends.

There are also lots of other exciting things happening this month to raise awareness – activities that are free to join in with on socials and if you feel so inclined places for you to donate to help us behind the scenes.

To read more:
To donate to the quilt project:
To donate:

M x

2020 Christmas machine quilting schedule

Hello everyone!

Just popping in to say whew! What a year!

Christmas is right around the corner and because of what Covid-19 has done to gatherings this year if you want to ensure you have that special quilty present for family you can’t visit then please let me know ASAP. Quilt bookings are filling up fast, but as I’ve changed my work schedule some spaces have now opened up.

Please have the following information ready when you book:

  • Name
  • Phone number
  • Size of quilt top in inches
  • If you have backing/need backing
  • If you have wadding/need wadding
  • What type of wadding you have – please NO WOOL
  • Date you need the quilt back
  • Thread colour if you have an idea of what you would like
  • Design ideas if you have a preference for a theme/style
  • If you want it trimmed back
  • If you want me to bind it for you/fabric for binding

To book:

Ring or text: 0416 023 637


You can send me photos if you need to show me specific things/designs etc.

I can’t wait to see what you’ve all been up to.

Marni x