Today was my birthday.
I don’t really like my birthday
a) I don’t like being the centre of attention
b) January birthdays were never fun as a kid because all your friends would be on holiday so parties were always a bit light on in the crowd department.
c) I hate all that singing
I don’t mind getting older, in fact I am quiet enjoying being on ‘the wrong side of 25’. I laugh when I get carded at the bottle-o, I have found my first grey hair and I’m cool with it.
For years now I have insisted that we forget my birthday, no singing, no parties, no nothing. But I have yet to get away with that one.
Tonight wasn’t so bad. We went out for dinner – Vietnamese restaurant at Terrigal called Sapa. Cake back at my sister’s place and then home.
I spent the day sewing. Got a hug from my cat.
Birthdays to me are like Christmas and to an extent weddings. All the hype for one day and most of you spend uncomfortable for one reason or another. I think that’s why I like Halloween. There is no central figure, no person to celebrate. Just a holiday to celebrate with friends and family and food.
Now I didn’t want this post to be a ‘oh woe is me post’ so back to the sewing news –
Isobel’s quilt is finished – she will be receiving it tomorrow or Friday at the team lunch – must remind mum to take her camera and get photos. I will upload the finished quilt pics sometime on the next few days. It is very cute if I do say so myself.
There are more baby quilts on the way – orders for people who are having/have had babies recently. Congratulations to Mel on baby boy Lucas!
There will be some info on kits shortly – I am working on a teen girl quilt, there will be limited kits available so keep an eye out here and on FB and make sure you get in quick once the details are announced.
I am also organising more teachers for this year – still on the lookout for teachers so if you know of anyone who is willing and able to teach send them my way.
Anyways off to bed now am full of cake. Back to sewing tomorrow!